But last night, she walked down the isle at leadout with her boyfriend(TJ Walker) and looked stunning(TJ you looked very handsome as well!!)!! Yes I'm bragging. But my gosh, she was beautiful!!!! We watched her and her friends(and enemies) dance their Senior dance together. Memories were made and will be remembered for years to come. I never got to experience the things that she is so I wanted her "lasts" to be memorable. And I think they have been.
Jerry and I left leadout saying to each other "We cant believe she's not a baby anymore". She's all grown up and fulfilling the dreams and plans the Lord has for her. For those of you who havent experienced this stuff, as a mother, I am very emotional with all of it. You just wait, when your little girls and little boys become Seniors. Its an emotional roller coaster but I'm glad to ride it with her.
Well the tears are dried for now. I imagine the next ones will come when she plays her last softball game(if she plays, but thats a whole other story for another blog). Then the next will be when she walks onstage to receive her diploma. I'm practicing now for what I will Yell at her when she does. I need ideas people!! I want her to KNOW her mama is PROUD!!!
She looks beautiful! I know you are so proud!